Tag Archives: Anthology

Great review of SURVIVOR over at Goodreads…


The reviewer concludes with: “Very strong collection of excellent work.”

And here she is…


Out now in paperback…

Curse of the Gods: A Greek Myth Anthology (Amazon UK link)

Set on the island of Sicily, my story “The Wrong Girl” comprises a heady mix of archaeology, heavy metal music and, of course, Greek mythology. Oh, and some nudity…

Curse of the Gods

cristina-gottardi-585081-unsplashOut later this month from Fantasia Divinity Publishing, Curse of the Gods, an anthology of Greek myths re-imagined, will feature my short story “The Wrong Girl.”

From the publisher:

Epic wars fought in the name of the gods, mighty heroes rising up to slay the beasts; Greek legends are filled with tales of love and adventure. However, time is a fickle mistress and legends change over the centuries. Was Persephone kidnapped by Hades, the God of the Underworld, or did she go willingly? Was Medusa really the heartless beast everyone imagines her to be? Is Aphrodite a carefree goddess filled with love and happiness or does she long for something more? Experience some of the classic Greek myths like you never have before, re-imagined and brought to life by these 18 talented authors!

Photo by Cristina Gottardi on Unsplash

SURVIVOR reviewed in Publisher’s Weekly!


I’m beyond excited for this antho, releasing soon — partly because my story “The Good Liar” is in it, but mainly because I really, really want to read the other stories. The review can be found here, although it’s quoted in full below.

“In this potent but uneven anthology, 17 authors tackle the themes of trauma and survival as interpreted through various science fiction and fantasy settings and tropes. “One thing our genre has always excelled at is offering a different lens, a startling angle of vision, a new perspective,” Mohanraj (The Stars Change) writes in her introduction. The sources of trauma are familiar, however, including physical and sexual abuse, addiction, bigotry, and grief. Standout stories include Tonya Liburd’s “A Stitch in Time,” in which a young man uses his gift of time travel to relive moments with his deceased girlfriend only to sink into an addictive pattern, and Evey Brett’s “Fell Child,” in which a dutiful son makes sacrifices in order to save his dying father before discovering the cure isn’t worth the cost. In Erik Gern’s “Mold,” grown children must confront the physical manifestation of their abusive father’s lingering legacy. Jes Rausch’s “The Art of Quilting” sees a nonbinary individual constantly traveling across the solar system to escape their oppressive, intolerant family. Many of the tales take literary or experimental approaches, and both prose and content will challenge the reader, but each survivor’s struggle and triumph is worth the effort.”

Another friend of our heroes

I just came across a great story-by-story review of Hero’s Best Friend over at Dogwatch Press, done back in May. Awesome to see that my tale is a favourite of the reviewer. Click here to check it out.

First Amazon UK review for Hero’s Best Friend antho

I’m extremely pleased that my samurai/akita story “The Masterless” is cited as one of two standout stories in the anthology’s first review at amazon.co.uk.

Click here to check out the review.

Goodreads reviews of Hero’s Best Friend/”The Masterless”

It’s gratifying that two of the three readers who’ve reviewed Hero’s Best Friend over at Goodreads have cited “The Masterless” as a favourite/stand out story.

Hero’s Best Friend Roundtable Interview, with myself and 3 of the other authors

Scott M. Sandridge

3a401-final-herosbestfriendToday at the table are SH Roddey, Steven S. Long, Steven Grassie, and Laura Anne Ewald. Enjoy! J


I’m Susan H. Roddey. I write various forms of speculative fiction as S.H. Roddey, and I also write romance as Siobhan Kinkade. Most days I can be found lurking on Facebook both as Susan H. Roddey and also on my author page at www.fb.com/AuthorSHRoddey. I’m on Twitter as @draickinphoenix and @SiobhanKinkade, and can always be found at www.SHRoddey.com, creepyauthorgirl.wordpress.com, and siobhankinkade.wordpress.com.

I’m Steven S. Long, a writer and game designer. I’ve worked primarily in the tabletop roleplaying game field for the past twenty years, during which time I’ve written or co-written nearly 200 books. I’m probably best known for my work with Champions and the HERO System, but I’ve worked for many other RPG companies including Last Unicorn Games, Pinnacle Entertainment Group, Decipher, and White Wolf.


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Author Interview

Here‘s a link to a short author interview of yours truly by Strange Musings Press, publisher of Alternate Hilarities Vol. 1.

And the hilarity begins!

Alternate Hilarities







My short story “Small Change” is one of several chuckle-a-minute tales collected together in Alternate Hilarities Vol. 1 from Strange Musings Press.

Kindle US   Paperback US

Kindle UK   Paperback UK
