Category Archives: Lethe Press

Great review of SURVIVOR over at Goodreads…

The reviewer concludes with: “Very strong collection of excellent work.”

SURVIVOR reviewed


Survivor was recently reviewed over at Chicago’s third coast review.

The reviewer had this to say:

“The theme of trauma, and recovering from it, is just one of the topics this collection addresses. If the idea of surviving and thriving as depicted in art doesn’t interest you, don’t let the title of this anthology deter you—it could just as easily be an argument for the merits of speculative fiction. With such a diverse collection, note this warning (or maybe pro-tip?): speculative fiction is a broad term, and the range of the stories in this collection are just as varied. If you’re the die-hard high fantasy type, or if space battles are the only type of story that keep your interest, you’ll have to filter through most of the stories to find the ones that fit your niche. Similarly, there’s one ghost story that will sate the historical fiction fans, but if historical fiction is all you’re into, this collection might not be for you. But if you’re open to seeing how writers create other worlds, or how they write weird and unusual situations in our familiar world, then definitely grab a copy of this book.”

SURVIVOR reviewed in Publisher’s Weekly!


I’m beyond excited for this antho, releasing soon — partly because my story “The Good Liar” is in it, but mainly because I really, really want to read the other stories. The review can be found here, although it’s quoted in full below.

“In this potent but uneven anthology, 17 authors tackle the themes of trauma and survival as interpreted through various science fiction and fantasy settings and tropes. “One thing our genre has always excelled at is offering a different lens, a startling angle of vision, a new perspective,” Mohanraj (The Stars Change) writes in her introduction. The sources of trauma are familiar, however, including physical and sexual abuse, addiction, bigotry, and grief. Standout stories include Tonya Liburd’s “A Stitch in Time,” in which a young man uses his gift of time travel to relive moments with his deceased girlfriend only to sink into an addictive pattern, and Evey Brett’s “Fell Child,” in which a dutiful son makes sacrifices in order to save his dying father before discovering the cure isn’t worth the cost. In Erik Gern’s “Mold,” grown children must confront the physical manifestation of their abusive father’s lingering legacy. Jes Rausch’s “The Art of Quilting” sees a nonbinary individual constantly traveling across the solar system to escape their oppressive, intolerant family. Many of the tales take literary or experimental approaches, and both prose and content will challenge the reader, but each survivor’s struggle and triumph is worth the effort.”

Story news


img_0012Now both contracts have been signed and returned, I can share the fact that I’ve managed to place two stories in anthologies slated for 2017.

First, my short story “The Kakashi and the Raven” will appear in the tentatively titled Sunrise Lands, an anthology of Japanese fantasy from Guardbridge Books. The book should be out early next year.

Second, Survivor (edited by Mary Anne Mohanraj and J.J. Pionke) will be published late 2017 by Lethe Press, and will include my novelette “The Good Liar”. According to the editors, “This SF/F anthology offers stories of everyday trauma survival — from a barmaid on an intergalactic space station who was abandoned by her parents, to a farmer’s son bullied by his peers, who withstands and resists their abuse. The key component for all of these stories is how relatively ordinary characters survive and thrive, given the traumatic experiences they’ve had.”

Needless to say, I’m delighted to be part of such awesome projects. More details when I get them…