Category Archives: Fantasia Divinity Publishing

And here she is…


Out now in paperback…

Curse of the Gods: A Greek Myth Anthology (Amazon UK link)

Set on the island of Sicily, my story “The Wrong Girl” comprises a heady mix of archaeology, heavy metal music and, of course, Greek mythology. Oh, and some nudity…

Curse of the Gods

cristina-gottardi-585081-unsplashOut later this month from Fantasia Divinity Publishing, Curse of the Gods, an anthology of Greek myths re-imagined, will feature my short story “The Wrong Girl.”

From the publisher:

Epic wars fought in the name of the gods, mighty heroes rising up to slay the beasts; Greek legends are filled with tales of love and adventure. However, time is a fickle mistress and legends change over the centuries. Was Persephone kidnapped by Hades, the God of the Underworld, or did she go willingly? Was Medusa really the heartless beast everyone imagines her to be? Is Aphrodite a carefree goddess filled with love and happiness or does she long for something more? Experience some of the classic Greek myths like you never have before, re-imagined and brought to life by these 18 talented authors!

Photo by Cristina Gottardi on Unsplash